Hi. Just imported my first mesh into ue. I used skp for modeling. I have 23 % overlaping uv. THERE IS NO TUTORIAL ABOUT THIS THING IN UE 4.9.!!! I have big plans and expectations but,… JUST WANT A PROPER MESH. PLEASE HELP, OR I RETURN TO LUMION !!! PLEASE EXPLAIN IT STEP BY STEP
Hi Grigorescu Marian Stelian,
You will need to use a modeling program that supports UV editing. UE4 does not support editing a Static meshes UVs directly. For external content it’s best to have everything set up before importing into UE4.
There are no Epic created tutorials for creating and editing your UVs in external programs. These are fairly easy to find on YouTube though.
Here is the our documentation page that references External Content Development.
I hope this helps.
Sorry, this is not resolved. Thank you for your reply. There are many guys with the same problem. Some managed resolving it in UE, some with a skp extension.
UE should treat SketchUp with the requiered respect. It is the best, the fastes, the most intuitive, has the most beautiful interface and it is customizable for anyone’s needs. I do all my modeling in it fast and clean. You can model everything in it, even animate or render quite nicely.
YOU DO NOT NEED TO SOLVE AN EQUATION TO MODEL A CUBE !. This is the problem: not the numbers and codes make you an expert, but the result itself. It beats blender and 3dmax and everything out there. Try it to see.
SO FOR UE 5, MAKE SKP FILES OR DAE IMPORTABLE AND WORKING. It,s your job, the guys with codes. Let us focus on the beutiful side: design.
- beautiful
So yes, finally no overlaping uvs , in a simple model, of course, BUT LIGHTMAP RESOLUTION IS NOT INCREASING A BIT. I have a horrible result. Why do we need this complicated software?
I edited my uvs inskp, and my model has 2 uv maps, no overlaping this time. But it says degenerate tangent base…etc WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ? I need to solve this, please