I’m a little desperate here since I need this for an urgent submission so any help would be much appreciated.
So, for some reason while trying to figure out how to set the first person camera to a specific rotation, I eventually gave up since it wasn’t working. However, I don’t know what went wrong but the capsule component is now showing up as ‘root component’ and the player character isn’t working anymore…and the details panel has blanked out for some stuff. I was quite literally done with the project but now at the last moment this happened out of nowhere and I can’t find any resources to help me with this.
Furthermore I am also getting a ton of errors now:
Check if you actually got reference to player character.
Check if you cast to correct class for correct reference/pointer.
Cannot guess much more without seeing your blueprints.
The points you mentioned are exactly the problem currently. Thing is, everything was working perfectly. I was just testing some things to get a way to set the player’s view rotation and in the process I somehow accidentally converted the capsule component into a root component for the FPplayercharacter blueprint, so a lot of the references got messed up which I have no idea about (as they’re part of the FP starter content that I hadn’t created myself)
I created a new project with just the FP starter content and copy pasted the blueprint’s code and changed the file (which was also a pain since it kept crashing on trying to rename blueprints???), so that’s resolved now. But the new problem is that when I try to get a reference to FPplayerchar two identical names show up (I haven’t deleted the original blueprint but renamed it, even through the file explorer) so that’s causing more confusion.
I guess the only way I can understand to fix this is through copy pasting all of the blueprint code and maybe even then some new issue might pop up…
I really want to avoid that so if there’s any chance you could help, I can send any screenshots that might help, BPs or whatnot
Sometimes when you change enum or struct, or some function result type etc. Unreal disconnects nodes, there may be some disconnected (removed line) somewhere in blueprints.
For this problem i create blueprint function library and encapsulate all functions like GetPlayer, getplayerController, then if pointer is null i make them output error into log window. So i can see if there is flood about pointer being not valid i know something got disconnected.
There’s also the issue I mentioned about the pickuprifle showing BlueprintBAD texture which I can’t figure out how to fix…
Also I don’t know what to change as I’m a complete beginner. I know this might be asking for too much (I’m in a real fix since I need it for a submission) but is it possible that you can look through my code? (It’s not a whole lot)
Also I’ve encounter a weird problem now: I had renamed the firstperson folder into something else and changed all bp names to a suffix of “OLD” and had imported new first person character content, but now that i’ve deleted the new folder and am trying to rename the old ones back, for some files like BP_FirstPersonGameMode it’s saying this:
And on clicking on this “OLD” file (since it can’t be renamed) it instantly switches back to None.
I think I’ve messed this project too much at this point, any suggestions on what I could do to recreate the project quickly?
First do backup of whole project.
then “fix redirectors” in unreal right click on folder and there it should be
make sure you have only one unreal editor opened
if nothing helps you can shut down unreal, and search folders for that BP, and manually deleted second copy (but first make backup!)