ive created a collectable blueprint and want it to destroy once the character collides with the box collider, but once i test this, nothing happens, im not sure how to fix this.
Hey @drownedd7! Welcome to the forums!
Have you tested the “false” path? Also another thing to check would be the “Collision responses” on your collision box. Make sure “Pawn” is set to “overlap” in there.
Maybe off of false do a printstring with the “Other Actor” blue wire as the input (if you drag to connect it will create a convert to string node, and if it gives a false return it’ll print the name of the collided actor). If the player collides with it and there’s not a return you will need to check what the box is set to as its collision type (probably dynamic) and make sure your pawn collision is set to overlap or block as well.
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