How to find what all is bounded to an event dispatcher

Below is the image of a Dynamic button >Eventgraph (Blueprint a button I believe). Now when I click the button some action is happening. when i disconnect the node/Event Dispatcher with the name “ButtonClicked2”, I can click the button but nothing happens. so what i understand is that “ButtonClicked2” is bind/bound with something somewhere. Because this code is not written by me, i don’t know what is really happening. Is there any way to find what is bind/bound to the “ButtonClicked2” event dispatcher?


Go to Tools → Find in Blueprints and click Find in blueprints 1, then search for “ButtonClicked2” It will show a list with everything it found relating to ButtonClicked2.

Go through that list and see if there’s anything bound to it. (You can double click a list item to got to where it is in the graph.)

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Thanks for the replay. But I can’t find the Tools option anywhere

I’m using UE5, might be different in UE4

You could also search for “ButtonCliecked2” in the Find Results tab on the bottom and then hit the binoculars button to search everything.