How to find right angle direction from 2 vectors

how do I find this direction?

Subtract the actor’s location from the target’s. Get the actor’s right vector and compare that with the vector we’ve just created using the delta rotator blueprint node.

It always points in kind of the same direction

I also tried vector projection but it does the same thing as you said

It’s Pythagoras, no?

Or do you just want the normal from the hit face?

Yes Pythagoras but I want the vector that forms the 90° angle from 2 other vectors

need it to solve a bug in my path-finding system (one actor location and the other is 2nd last path point)

But here, it’s just the face normal


The system finds the obstacles between the path points using a line trace

But it has a bug that the line traces sometimes hit the other actor which is useless as an obstacle

so I hope to find a location a little bit away from the target so the path won’t hit other walls.

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I Solved it!
bit anticlimactic for me but it works

It simply rotates the vector by the look at rotation between them.

2mins after finding that I realized I could just not do the final line trace and it worked too (8hs wasted)

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