How to find out what a notification in the library is refering to

Hello, this may be a dumb question, but I can’t seem to find an answer. Many times when there is a notification update that shows up as an orange circle with a number in it, and I can’t seem to find what exactly it is refering to. My library does not show and orange circles or any other indications as to what product needs updating/new purchase/etc. Can anyone help?

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Am I the only one who has this problem?

In the launcher, usually it is an update to the current Engine version or that there is a new version of the Engine.

I got the newest version. When I buy from the Asset Store I usually know what it is since I just bought it. But this notification, I have no clue.

Six years later and update notification is still an unresolved mystery?

I assume this will be related to a particular asset update, is there a way to find out which one?

The notification is like this:

*Library notification: *
an update is available
and update is available

All engines and plugins are updated (these are always indicated with the UE launch box)

Any idea? Many thanks

Now has been resolved - the library shows an exclamation on assets that are available locally and have been updated.

Thank you Epic team

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I mean, yes, but also you have to see that item first. I have THOUSAND of assets, so I’m not flipping through the ENTIRE list to look for a BANG (exclamation mark/point).

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