How to find out if a button was pressed within a period of time?

Button is in UMG Class. And the Timer is in an Actor blueprint class.

Please help me solve this problem. I don’t know how to achieve this result.
Any suggestion is welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Bind an event listener to the button’s OnClicked event. By binding/unbinding the event listener, you will have the event called when the button is clicked and you can do whatever in this event. =)

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Thank you so much for the answer!
Looks complicated! Will try it out!

One small Question:
How did you get the reference to button in the umg?
I have the UMG Reference in the actor blueprint, but i’m not able to get the button’s reference.

Select the button and, in it’s details panel, activate Is Variable.


Also, take a look at the [Property Binding Docs][2]. It’s a really nice way to edit widgets properties from other blueprints.