Button is in UMG Class. And the Timer is in an Actor blueprint class.
Please help me solve this problem. I don’t know how to achieve this result.
Any suggestion is welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Button is in UMG Class. And the Timer is in an Actor blueprint class.
Please help me solve this problem. I don’t know how to achieve this result.
Any suggestion is welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Bind an event listener to the button’s OnClicked event. By binding/unbinding the event listener, you will have the event called when the button is clicked and you can do whatever in this event. =)
Thank you so much for the answer!
Looks complicated! Will try it out!
One small Question:
How did you get the reference to button in the umg?
I have the UMG Reference in the actor blueprint, but i’m not able to get the button’s reference.
Select the button and, in it’s details panel, activate Is Variable.
Also, take a look at the [Property Binding Docs][2]. It’s a really nice way to edit widgets properties from other blueprints.