In my project I use World Partition. In the built project, fps drops appear in specific places on the map, the drops are repeatable. I tried to determine what objects load after a drop occurs, but I can’t do it. I tried to look at the outliner and see what new actors were showing up. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out very well and finding 10 new actors out of 1,400 was almost a miracle. Is there any way to check what meshes, textures or whatever is being loaded at any given moment? Maybe there is a useful plugin?
Hey there @GalacticQuokka! Welcome back to the community! Generally if you’re trying to check on a per frame basis, you’re going to need to start profiling. Here’s some documentation and a guide that can help you along:
You could put the responsibility on the object itself. Have it register with the game instance once it loads, through an interface call on the GI to omit casting (try it’s begin play).
Have a list of drops with references to the drop actors inside of the GI.
Once an entry is added call a specific function if needed or bind it to a delegate and call it.