I can't reach the creator from the store. No answers. Don't know if I can simply edit their jerseys. And that fbx just simply works. I have fbx files I've purchased elsewhere and don't. What to make sure I purchase something that works.
Unfortunately, we can't offer much support for third party assets, but I can offer some guidance.
If you're looking for animated characters to use inside of Twinmotion, outside of the animated characters in the Twinmotion Library, we don't have any other natively supported animated characters. Using imported asserts will likely not give you your desired results, as Twinmotion's animation tools are limited and not well-suited for working with animating character models. Any models you import will be static and would require you apply translator or rotator animations, which likely will not meet your needs for character animation.
You may want to consider working on your model in Twinmotion first, then exporting your Twinmotion model into Unreal Engine to work on more complex aspects of your scene, such as animated characters. In Unreal Engine, you can make use of the Unreal Engine Marketplace to find assets that should work for you. You can find more information about importing Twinmotion content into Unreal Engine here.
OK , that is still a workflow that is possible. now I have the same question as before. I find a single hockey team right now on your site but assume it is for UR and not TriMotion. But it does not way what will do and I am afraid to assume. Will any Character in the Site that is FXB and has a skeleton and such work in UR? I am missing the requirements or should I just assume if it is a character it will move like a person to some degree?