How can i filter the components with in the blieprint editor ?
Yes i know it sounds strange, why you want to filter your component list… you placed things inside it … so you know what is inside right… well … as always … im playing around… and…
I have exported a complete map from ue5 to USD… as in … export selected … and then select USD… this takes a while… but oke.
Then in my blueprint folder i pressed right mouse button… import USD (Have omnivese connector installed).
then you select by the import … create blueprint… and yes the complete map you exported is converted into from usd to 1 nice blueprint
Its a bit of work around for thing i was working on but it works…
But now i also exported all the lights and extra things i not wanted… …
So how can i filter the component list as like the content browser ???
so filter just on static mesh… or light sources ???
Thanks in advandge for the answer