How to fade text in a direction?


the question is simple, how can I make my text dissappear gradualy? I mean, like if I were sweeping a curtain and the text starts fading with the curtain movement.

I know how to make text fade with the timeline, but this makes all the text fade at the same time, while I would like it to fade from the begining to the end (or viceversa).

At the same time, I would like to know to do the same but with color change. Imagine, at the begining, the text is grey over a white background. But a black one starts growing behind the text. How can I make the text white just in the part that is over the now black background.

Forgive me if I haven’t made myself clear, and thank you in advance for any possible solution.

Possible bad idea… …create a box that is semi-transparent, at least a layer above that text and slide that box from left to right over that text which would give the appearance that the text is fading.


I have been in fact running into the same thing. I want to opacity fade off each letter not the entire material or word/line at once. I am working on a way to figure out how to do this. If/when I solve it, I will update the solution here. I know there are some cool tech ways to do it in the material but that would apply to the entire material and still not be character by character.
Anyways, im going to try and dedicate some time to solve this as I’ve seen this Q pop up several times now.
Thanks for reminding me :wink:

Hey there @Ikara

do you mean something like this?

I used:

  • RichText
    UMG Rich Text Blocks in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation
    – Text to array and then use something like <RT.Red>Text</> where RT.Red is one of the templates from a DataTable
  • Text
    – Text to array and replace letters with a space
  • Material
    – Use the ScreenUV to set the opacity of a text. When opcaity = 0 the text behind it appears (here green) (71.4 KB)

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Ohh, those tools seem to be so handy. And yes, that last part is precisely what I needed!

Thank you!

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Could you repost the files? Your project are down. :confused:

hello, which version can run the project? i can’t open this asset.

Hey @YaoJ1aHao

the project was created for UE 5.0, you can check the file version by opening the *.uproject file with a text editor :slight_smile:

Which version do you need? Here is an older one: UE426 (61.9 KB)

thanks you, i can run the project.

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