How to expose UI when a user reaches a specific world coordinate

Hi, I’m developing a small VR content with Unreal 5.3 and using Blueprint.

The feature I’d like to create is a “start” UI
that pops up when the user reaches a certain world location.

I create and set default pawn Blueprint class,
and also I have a Widget Blueprint class too.

My logic is like that.
If the pawn class has the same specific location as the pawn class,
it will auto-destruct 3 seconds after exposing the UI.

However, it’s hard to get the pawn’s position exactly right,
so I want to set a range of UI visibility
which is particularly difficult.

I’m gonna make this as a function in pawn class.

If anyone can help me out
or even give me a small idea,
I’d really appreciate it!

Hi, i think it would be easier with a trigger box, just make a simple Actor class and add a Sphere Collision

Then just place that actor on the level map, when the player hit it, it will show the ui.

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Hi Arodi !!!

Nice to se you again.

That is a great idea, thanks for sharing your idea.

I tried with ‘Get Player Pawn’ instead of ‘Get Player Character’,

Also I set enough collision but it doesn’t work well :sweat_smile:

I tried with ‘Get Player Character’ too, but it is hard to figure out.

But always thanks for caring my question

even though I always ask such a basic things :heart_eyes: !

Make sure the BP_Pawn is a Pawn class, you can check the parent class from the top right of the bp

Also make sure from the world setting, the correct pawn is set up

And last thing, try to debug with a print string to see what is outputing during the collision with the pawn.

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Thanks you !!

I think I had a problem in Custom Collision type area.

After I checked the list you gave me first,

and then I changed my collision type.

So I got my BP_Hand Display name after I followed your solution.

Thanks a lot!!

This is bit of hard journey to handle Unreal engine, and

I feel the need to learn about the Unreal engine from the very basics.

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