How to export groom with attributes from Houdini to Unreal5?

Hello guys!

I’m new to Unreal and Houdini. I’m trying to export the groom to uneal.

For now, I’m able to export ‘groom_width’, ‘groom_guide’, ‘groom_color’, ‘groom_root_uv’, ‘groom_id’ and ‘groom_group_id’

but I have no idea how to export ‘groom_group_name’ ‘groom_closest_guides’ and ‘groom_guide_weights’.

for the group name, sidefx lab - unreal groom export didn’t work for Unreal 5.1

and for closest guides and gudie weights, I don’t know whitch attributes I should set for.

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Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Hi there! Dunno if you solved it but I followed this video: