how to export detail panel's settings


I am currently trying to export the settings of the detail panel to a text file (e.g. CSV file).
However, I have no idea how to export.

Is there a way to export detail panels’s settings?

Any help will be appreciated.

Hi, what do you want to do with it?
I don’t know if you can export settings. But you can export the light or any other assets as a text file. Just hit CTRL+C with the light selected and then paste it into a text editor.
Maybe there are other ways to achieve what you are trying to do?

Thank you so much!

Your reply helped me do what I want to do.
I wanted to save various settings in a text file and compare them.

Why did you know this solution?
I was wondering why this feature exists.

Glad it helped.

We’ve used this feature for quickly sharing between people who work on the same project.

You can even share over different engine versions, as long as all assets referenced in the clipboard exist and have the same name.

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Thank you very much!

It was clearly explained and I was able to understand it.
I appreciate your assistance immensely.

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