How to export data from gameplay to an onlie ddbb

I am currently working on my proyect to finish the carrear for videogame design and I need to export some data from my game (a stealth videogame) which I am developing in UE 5.2 and I have no clue on how to export data from gameplay like the number of shots, average speed, etc.
If anyone has any idea on how to do it, it will be much appreciated.

Thanks for your time

Is the problem that you don’t know how to collect this data?
Typically, you will collect it in your GameState object, or perhaps the GameInstance or PlayerState.

Or is the problem that you don’t know how to export the data?
Typically, you’ll use the HTTP request class, and POST your parameters as a map from string to value. It’ll be JSON, that you can receive in some web service that you implement.

If you don’t know how to implement a web service, maybe try something like Firebase to get started? It does a lot of the heavy lifting for you, but you still need to develop server-side code.
Another alternative is to use the mobile and console services, for each of the platforms, but how that actually works, varies slightly by vendor.

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Really the problem is both of them. This will definitely help a lot. Thanks for your time! :heart:

For anybody that has to deal with this issue i solved it with Google forms, it isn’t the perfect way but worked perfectly fine for me.

I made a HTTP request (Had to buy a plugin (HTTP Requests for Blueprints
) because UE one crashed when I made the build).
On Google Forms you have to get the pre-filled link:
This is my link for the testing:

You have to change the viewform to formResponse

to “”/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZBunITdC6hTvc-Xi3nngAKmztG4GKmTQgR9GJGniFoCqm_Q/formResponse…

NOTE: " " have been added to so the you can se the full URL otherwise it wouldn’t be shown like that

Then create the a variable with the base URL that up to the first &
to “”/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZBunITdC6hTvc-Xi3nngAKmztG4GKmTQgR9GJGniFoCqm_Q/formResponse?usp=pp_url

The last step before making the HTTP request doing an append with each entry as shown on the image

Once you have everything together you can do the HTTP request to the URL that you have just made and the form will be sent with all the info you need

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