How to export collision from sketchup to UE4?

i can export mesh good from sketchup to UE4, but how can i export collision with mesh?
ant one can help me ?

This works great even for complex meshes, if you not need custom collision.
“use complex collision as simple”

Hi HuaHuaPro,

Unfortunately, Sketchup does not support the creation of collision files from their editor (that I’m aware of, there may be something hidden that allows you to rename a mesh that would be used for collision so that this is possible, if so I’m interested in knowing).

Atle has provided you with what I would I would personally consider a last resort method of collision for most models. The reason being that using the complex collision like that, while it will work, can be a performance hit. Using that type of collision just uses the polygons that are available from the static mesh to generate collision. Collision meshes are mean to be low poly. Documentation on Collision here. There are some do’s and don’ts when it comes to collision and using the meshes collision will fall into the don’t category for any complex static mesh.

You would be better using the generated collision or using blocking volumes to set up collision. The Blueprints Office example is perfect for seeing how to setup a level with no collision and using only blocking volumes.

If you have any questions or need clarification please feel free to ask!

Thank you!


I think you can export collision components in Sketchup if named as UCX_ etc, then export to Collada, then convert to FBX, then import.
This is a pipeline from hell, and if need custom collision I would use Max or similar.

I´m more then satisfied with the auto generated collision in UE4, since not have to relate to mobiles/consoles.

watch that video