HI! just wondering, i had set up a montage where my player plays an attack animation(a 3hit combo) while Left Mouse Button(LMB) is pressed, and stops the animation when the LMB is released.
things works well for the animation but the problem is, it wont go out of the montage and return the animation controls to the blend space, or rather both montage and blend space’s animation got fused… any idea how i can turn off the montage?
i tried using montage stop, but its preventing me from playing the attack combo.
thnx in advance.
It’s hard to give you an accurate answer without any screenshots of the Blueprints, however I have a couple ideas for how you could fix it.
- Assuming you are using a variable from your character blueprint to know to play the montage, an easy way is to connect a delay to the end of your montage and at the end of that delay you reset the variable to false.
- The better method would be to use a DoOnce before the montage plays and at the end of the combo create a AnimNotify “resetCombo” for example and make it Branching Point. The in the Reset input for the DoOnce connect the Notify you just created.
Hopefully one of those works for you. If not, update me with screenshots so I can see your logic.