How to exclude save game from shipping and overwriting user save games?

And if they already have that file on their computer, it won’t be changed because I removed it on mine? I’m curious because it isn’t a file within the folders that get uploaded to Steampipe. I was able to find the .sav file. Thanks!

When packaging and shipping my build to Steam my default values for high scores are reset and this updates player scores to be reset. How do I avoid this? Is there a way to exclude the save game blueprint from packaging or could I delete a file before uploading?

The Save directory for shipping games is found under Users/[USER]/AppData/Local/[GAME NAME].

The reason you are seeing data being overwritten is because you have been using that folder and it has not been deleted.

Once you ship the game, the players installing the game will not have a folder there (so no loading/overwriting of default values will take place) and it will be created once you save data for the first time.

Yes, but make sure that the packaging is done with “Shipping”. Shipping uses the directory I mentioned.
Development mode uses the local folder /Saved/SaveGame directory. Plus Development mode allows you to access the console for the game. Something you don’t want anybody outside your organization to access!