How to exclude AI content in search results?

Hi, I know there are the ‘NoAI’ and ‘CreatedWithAI’ tags. But how can I clean up my search results that it shows only non-AI work? Searching in the 2D section is pointless at the moment.

What kind of assets are you looking for? Have you tried adding NOAI right in the search? I wonder if this is the reason why artists are complaining about the reduction in sales recently :thinking: If the search is unusable the only sales would be possible from featured sales :woman_shrugging:

Unfortunately you can’t :frowning:

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The “NoAI” tag doesn’t mean the asset wasn’t created with AI (as a lot of people suppose), but that the creator of the asset doesn’t want their asset to be used to train the AI.

In tandem with the introduction of the “NoAI” and “CreatedWithAI” tags, we are introducing some changes to our Epic Content License Agreement .

  • If you wish to protect your content from usage by generative AI programs, you may tag your content “NoAI”.
  • You (and other users) agree not to use content marked as “NoAI” in datasets for, in the development of, or as inputs to generative AI programs.
  • If you make your work downloadable, you agree to tag any of your content that is available for download and that has been made with the use of generative AI programs as “CreatedWithAI”.
  • Epic agrees not to use any of your content in datasets for, in the development of, or as inputs to generative AI programs.
  • Epic agrees not to license any of your content to third parties for use in datasets for, in the development of, or as inputs to generative AI programs.

A lot of AI created assets are marked with both tags meaning “Yes, I did this with the AI, but I don’t allow anyone else to further create AI assets using this pack”.
So far, so good, except that in the current Marketplace - at the difference for example of Artstation one - one cannot exclude a tag. One cannot say: “I want to see all assets, except those created with AI” and that’s a problem.

So, in answer to OP question : No, unfortunately in the current Marketplace you can’t exclude created with AI assets from your search. Let’s just hope it will be possible with the upcoming FAB.

Introducing the NoAI and CreatedWithAI tags - Community / Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums (


Thank you very much for your answers. I found a solution to my problem by using another marketplace.

I’m curious… which one is good to avoid ai generated content?

To exclude AI content from your search results, you can add specific keywords or phrases related to AI that you want to exclude. For example, if you’re searching for information about a topic but don’t want AI-related results, you can try adding “-AI”, “-artificial intelligence”, or “-machine learning” to your search query. This tells the search engine to exclude any results that include those terms. Additionally, you can use filters provided by the search engine to refine your results further.


Artstation has a no-AI filter that works in a way that no AI stuff is displayed.