How to exclude actor from Post Process Volume UE5

Is there a way to exclude one or more actors from Post Process Volume in Unreal Engine 5 / 5.3?


could you elaborate a bit more on what you want to achieve. What do you want to exclude? And What for? Is it a camera?

Inside an actor I have a Widget set as World, which in turn contains a Web Browser. When I move around, the image from the widget gets blurry especially when I am farther from it and I thought it was because of Post Process Volume. After I posted the question, it came to me the very basic test, just remove the Post Process Volume while testing it, and it turns out, it wasn’t that the problem. I didn’t removed the question because maybe if it wasn’t something complicated, I may need it in the future. Not sure, but it couldn’t hurt to know a way?!

Try for your widget : User interface and set it to screen instead of world.

By setting a widget that is inside an actor to screen or world gives you two different results, different interaction with it, different viewing angle. They are not the same thing.

You can use the custom stencil buffer to mix in the original image without post processing based on a specific index of the buffer set on your widget component
via checking “Render Custom Depth Pass” then setting the “Custom Depth Stencil Value”

Post process material with green

Excluded widget

Make sure you enable the stencil in project settings post process.

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can’t resolve the problem, your material work after other postprocess parameters, such as temperature, depth field, shadaw highlights and etc. can’t keep origin color of texture file.