How to exclude a team from team balancing?

I have a map with 5 teams, where the first team is used to place the players so they can select the teams.

I wanted to use a script to balance teams, and found Team Multiplayer Balancing | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation | Epic Developer Community. However, this takes every single team into account.

        FindSmallestTeam(CurrentTeamSize : int) : ?team =
            var SmallestTeam : ?team = false
            var TeamSize : int = CurrentTeamSize
            for(Team : Teams, CandidateTeamSize := GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection().GetAgents[Team].Length, TeamSize > CandidateTeamSize):
                set SmallestTeam = option{Team}
                set TeamSize = CandidateTeamSize
                Print("Found a team with less players: {CandidateTeamSize}")
            return SmallestTeam 

How can I make this function ignore team 0, so that players are only redirected to other teams (1,2,3,4)?