How to exceed max height of nav mesh generation?

How do i get the navigation to generate in the entire area? I’m making a level with a lot of verticality and even if use separate nav meshes the navigation will only generate in the lowest parts.

Hello Pexxan, welcome to the Unreal community and thank you for posting your question.
To adjust your navigation settings:

You can go to Project Settings/Navigation Mesh and adjust a few values:
Agent Max slope set to 44 (default)
Agent Max step height to 35 (default)

Changed to:
Agent Max slope set to 90 on both.

Here are the results of my findings:

Alternatively, you can change the information in your AI/Character just like in this thread tutorial.

I hope this helps.

Hi, thanks for the reply!

The issue does not seem to be the slope angle or step height. I have tweaked around with the settings but nothing seems to fix it. I have also tried verifying the engine and that doesn’t fix it either. The image below shows the issue a bit better, the navmesh will not generate on the desired platform if there is a platform that is lower than a certain depth below it.

Hello Pexxan, thank you for the additiona linformation.

I apologize, I read your initial concern as you needed help with the angles. I was not aware you were having difficulties with the nav mesh in regards to it not generating on other actors depending on height.

I am looking at the image you sent but it looks like both floors have nav mesh gerneated. The only meshes that do not have it generated look to be outside of the bounds. I suspect my perspective is off and it is really within the bounds.

One of the things I would check are the meshes themselves. In the details panel, I would check if the ‘Fill collision Underneath for Navmesh’ value is checked. If it is, I would uncheck that. I would also ensure ‘Can Ever Effect Navigation’ is set to true.

Of course, as you may have already tried, you can go to your project settings and decrease the Agent Height value under Engine/Navigation Mesh as well.

Another thing I would do is to delete the navmesh and place a new one in the level.

I hope this helps you find the culprit.

Hi again,
I managed to solve the problem. I created a new project and the navigation generated properly there, so i just copied all the default settings from that project to the one i had issues with and now it works. I don’t know exactly what caused the issue, probably just a combination of many unfitting values.

For anyone coming back to this in the future, I was having the same issue (or at least very similar) and solved it by adjusting my “Cell Height” in project settings. I had set it to 1 so it would be as close to the ground as possible, but it was messing with the height for some reason. Setting it to 2 fixed it while still keeping it close to the ground.


@Xaeveax you’ve saved my life