I am making a would you rather map were you can pick between team blue or team red, but how do i make the round end if no on picked the team red or the team blue?
Hey Puttrack,
Best way I can think of is to set up a time based end to the round ??.
Start a timer when needed and on it’s completion activate an end game device that has been set to end round.
Make a custom event called OnTeamPickEnd(or any other name you like). When your team picking phase ends you call OnTeamPickEnd and inside it check teams and if one is (or both are) empty run the code for ending the match. It could be just changing levels or some other custom functionality.
As Hardcawacanary mentioned a timer can work too, but timers are a pain to manage (Your picking phases might end sooner or the object you refer to can get deleted) and overal are something I would personally avoid if possible. Or you could make a class that manages your timers for you (I have one and I can never go back to using timers normally lol) and use a timer safely with that.