How to end controller input when player dies

I am trying to have my player stop moving when he dies. I can end inputs contained in my character blueprint but cant figure out how to end it in the player controller blueprint

This is how player health is tracked

when the player dies and input is disabled it disables the WASD inputs inside the blueprint
but not the blueprint that makes the plaer face the direction of the cursor, causing the player to spin in the direction of the cursor after death should occur.

this is the blueprint controlling the mouse direction bit

Im very new to this so I am sorry if the way i am trying to ask for help is a little incoherent.
if you have the solution can you please break it down barney style for me, again im new to all of this .

THANK YOU FOR ANY HELP! I appreciate it :slight_smile:

Tl;DR: player moves with WASD on one BP and faces cursor from another BP, I cant figure out how to end input on cursor when player dies.

an easy way to do this is to change the input type. using the set input mode UI only for exemple.
or you can add a branch, with a isplayer dead boolean, so when the player dies , turn the bool to true, and put your camera yaw/pitch on the false output of the branch node.

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