How to enable memory profile in unreal insight of ue5?

how to enable memory profile in unreal insight of ue5? thanks very much for your answer!

In my case it didn’t work as the documentation suggested with writing -trace=memory in an shortcut to a project but it works if I put it to …UnrealEditor.exe -trace=memory .
In insights you should then find the option Memory insights not greyed out

To verify in your insights session tab:

And additionally in the log:

Cmd: trace.enable memory
LogConsoleResponse: Display: Enabled channels: Module,MemAlloc,Callstack,MemTag,
Cmd: trace.status
LogConsoleResponse: Display: Trace status ----------------------------------------------------------
LogConsoleResponse: Display: - Connection: Tracing to ''
LogConsoleResponse: Display: - Memory used: 19.63 MiB
LogConsoleResponse: Display: - Important Events cache: 0.19 MiB (0.16 MiB used + 0.03 MiB unused | 0.00 MiB waste)
LogConsoleResponse: Display: - Sent: 475.66 MiB
LogConsoleResponse: Display: - Enabled channels: Module, MemAlloc, Callstack, MemTag
LogConsoleResponse: Display: - Available channels: Messaging, Niagara, VisualLogger, Object, 
    Animation, Physics, RenderCommands, RDG, Net, RHICommands, Gpu, Slate, SaveTime, Stats, 
    AssetLoadTime, LoadTime, File, StackSampling, ContextSwitch, Screenshot, Bookmark, Frame, 
    Metadata, Cpu, Counters, Cook, AssetMetadata, Log, Task
LogConsoleResponse: Display: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

As reference the documentation:


Nice! It works ! Thanks very much!


Thank you uc_ue!!!

To save the next person that comes along a little time here is a shell script that can get you started a little faster. It forks off a child process so you only have to click one button to run both commands:

(Don’t forget to change the directory locations if you have them somewhere different, and save the file as a shell script.)


"/c/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.0/Engine/Binaries/Win64/UnrealInsights.exe" -trace=default,memory &
"/c/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.0/Engine/Binaries/Win64/UnrealEditor.exe" -trace=default,memory

as parameters to start your project