how to enable memory profile in unreal insight of ue5? thanks very much for your answer!
In my case it didn’t work as the documentation suggested with writing -trace=memory in an shortcut to a project but it works if I put it to …UnrealEditor.exe -trace=memory .
In insights you should then find the option Memory insights not greyed out
To verify in your insights session tab:
And additionally in the log:
Cmd: trace.enable memory
LogConsoleResponse: Display: Enabled channels: Module,MemAlloc,Callstack,MemTag,
Cmd: trace.status
LogConsoleResponse: Display: Trace status ----------------------------------------------------------
LogConsoleResponse: Display: - Connection: Tracing to ''
LogConsoleResponse: Display: - Memory used: 19.63 MiB
LogConsoleResponse: Display: - Important Events cache: 0.19 MiB (0.16 MiB used + 0.03 MiB unused | 0.00 MiB waste)
LogConsoleResponse: Display: - Sent: 475.66 MiB
LogConsoleResponse: Display: - Enabled channels: Module, MemAlloc, Callstack, MemTag
LogConsoleResponse: Display: - Available channels: Messaging, Niagara, VisualLogger, Object,
Animation, Physics, RenderCommands, RDG, Net, RHICommands, Gpu, Slate, SaveTime, Stats,
AssetLoadTime, LoadTime, File, StackSampling, ContextSwitch, Screenshot, Bookmark, Frame,
Metadata, Cpu, Counters, Cook, AssetMetadata, Log, Task
LogConsoleResponse: Display: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
As reference the documentation:
Nice! It works ! Thanks very much!
Thank you uc_ue!!!
To save the next person that comes along a little time here is a shell script that can get you started a little faster. It forks off a child process so you only have to click one button to run both commands:
(Don’t forget to change the directory locations if you have them somewhere different, and save the file as a shell script.)
"/c/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.0/Engine/Binaries/Win64/UnrealInsights.exe" -trace=default,memory &
"/c/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.0/Engine/Binaries/Win64/UnrealEditor.exe" -trace=default,memory
as parameters to start your project