How to enable Light Propagation Volumes GI [ WIP AND BETA]

Most of my crashes are related to editing/applying translucent materials like glass etc, so I disable LPV for work, and use autorename script for models that crash on import (FBX importer don´t like twin naming of materials ver textures.

has eliminated most of my crashes, and even very large scenes are stable (40x40kmterrain with 10mill+ verts).

Try that with no textures, and add some trees, zoom-in as well.

I´m testing out some lowpoly trees, but new to UE4 so makeing them look good closeup is not easy.
Tried with loads of 500 000 verts trees with no LOD :), but ai ai that was slowmo, so they need to be sub 10 000 verts I guess.

Noticed you´re from New Zealand, and is infact terrain from Wellington, 1m Lidar.

Hi there.

Did you notice any trouble testing your scene in standalone mode ? for me ue crashes every time i try in fullscreen.

I was working for 15 months with cryengine, all i can say is both engines are great…. i just changed to UE4 because of blueprints, the material editor and the general workflow but having not a dynamic lighting GI, is a no no no for me… but i’m also sure they will update “must have days” soon…… hopefully :slight_smile:

I´ve used LPV on many large scenes with both fullscreen/standalone gamemode, and only problem has been working with translucent materials, it will bomb out without a warning most of the time, so changing properties on glass/plant/water materials must be done with LPV disabled.

thanks for reply.
I havn’t used any translucent mat yet. Maybe it’s time for me to change my gc (gtx 560 ti, hum) and why not the whole thing…

Anyone tried with in OVR mode? My executable crashes to desktop instantly.

Cryengine as a service sub model is coming out soon,
I hope epic gets lionheads implementation sorted and perfected soon with no leaks (or a newer different method, which I doubt will happen)
Or I can see a handful of us heading back over to crydev simply due to the lack of dynamic g.i.
I will stay subbed to both and even buy Unity5 when it comes out,
but g.i. is the #1 priority for me

From the looks of it, Lionheads Implementation is already better than what we currently have and i hope they will implement it in UE4 soon. :smiley:

By the way…I moved thread to Rendering section.

Thanks for the info, all worked pretty well until I upgrade to 4.1.1, I changed again the ini file as it has been back to normal, but still, it doesn’t seem to work anymore.

Am I the only one having issues?


is doable, but removed for now. Mostly I suspect because of the aforementioned lightleak problems. Which should be fixable to the extent that it’ll be acceptable

Diffuse lighting is doable with translucency and LPV, but the reflections from it are going to require some kind of trick.

Regardless, it’s good to see thread getting so much excitement, and going in as a top priority on the timeline. I was personally pretty disappointed with the static only rendering focus of UE4’s initial rendering features. The priority of non static scenes and easier level creation seems a better use of “next gen” power than yet another layer of making environments look better.

Since I’ve suggested it to Lionhead, which is working with Epic on , I may as well say it here too. The largest problem with LPV’s, which people like using for outdoor scenes, is that light doesn’t “bounce” very far. Ideally a full implementation of LPVs would actually propagate through a sparse octree, reducing ram usage and letting light travel much farther with the same amount of propagation steps.

Which still won’t get you super distant information. My initial solution was a top down 2.5d map of distant terrain, a single directional light (the sun) can easily be injected into with shadowing, then for a regular grid of points along it cone tracing can be performed, gathering sky occlusion and a single lightbounce, giving you a good approximate lighting for distant terrain by just applying the results as a h-basis spherical harmonic term. Then the set of point around the cascaded LPV centered around the player would have their results injected into the LPV. And assuming light propagates across enough of the LPV (maybe a big assumption) you’d get a good approximate light from distant terrain, including reflections.

The other idea was just to use a realtime cubemap somewhere up above the player to get the distant terrain lighting then inject the cubemap, but wouldn’t get distant terrain approximation.

Jep, same here.

There is something weird going on with translucency and the LPVs and so it constantly crashes when you access an actor using a translucent material.

HOWEVER…there are two ways to fix :wink: Since we are licensees at the office, I get proper crash reports and call stacks^^ so I was able to investigate . The crash happens because it wants to call something in the shaders for calculating shadows which is not there, and so it crashes. There are, as mentioned, two ways to work around . Solution one is to deactivate the shadow casting on the material ID that uses translucency:

and the other one, of which I think its the better solution (because you dont have to manage tons of assets with unique settings, instead you just add a flag to your translucent material and that is easier to maintain), because we just enable what it wants to call, and then it will find it and we dont get a crash. However, I dont understand what has to do with translucent shadow casting, so while works, it still might not be the best option becaus it could simply be an annoying bug^^

Just enable in your material and you will be free of crashes. However, please keep in mind that is a workaround and not a real fix! I mean why the hell should a translucent window cast an emissive area light??? xD That must be a bug^^ But yeah, enabling will not trigger the missing shader component and prevent the engine from crashing.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

‘Use emissive for DYNAMIC area lighting’? WHA~
*In Epic we trust

Light Propagation Volume works with Emissive Lighting.

Tools + Community Support > Fancy Lighting.

Unreal everytime gets my vote.

But hey, you get fancy lighting now too so everyone wins. Excitement Intensifies

So, is it possible to combine with Static Lighting as well or not? Kind of sucks if not, makes it an incredibly limited solution.

It is possible. Though I would only stick to Sky Light and indirect shadows baking.