How to enable GameplayCues path for new GameFeature plugins?

I created a GameFeature plugin that enables ShooterCore and is dependent on it. I want to create a GameplayCueNotifyLatent object but when I try to save it to my PluginContent/GameplayCues folder it says:

Warning: Invalid GameplayCue Path /Plugin

GameplayCue Notifies should only be saved in the following folders:

This asset must be moved to a valid location to work in game.

I looked at TopDownArena, ShooterMaps, and ShooterCore plugins and they all have an action that allows you to Add Gameplay Cue Path

Edit: And looking at ShooterCore it lists the 3 directories /GameplayCues, /Weapons, /Items that were listed in the error message.

I did the same thing for my GameFeature Plugin and it still doesn’t allow me to save my GCNL to the path. What am I doing wrong?

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Sigh… I had to restart the editor!!!


This helped me in 2024