How to enable eGPU for UE4 on macOS?


I have an eGPU up and running for my Mac.

Now, I want to enable it for UE4.

I have tried to enable the Prefer External GPU option in the UE4Editor app info, to no avail:

Screen Shot 2020-07-11 at 12.14.13.png](filedata/fetch?id=1786797&d=1594466126)

In Preferences, I see the Show Editor GPU Selector setting disabled by default. I enabled it but I don’t know where to look in the Editor to find the GPU Selector:

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I found it !

Screen Shot 2020-07-12 at 12.28.38.png

Thank you TAKA, when I use Radeon RX Vega 64 on my iMac with Sonnet Breakaway 650, the Unreal is very slow, do you have this issue on your Mac?

Hello TAKA, hello platinum3d. Does it useful to attach eGPU for mac? Do you have increase of performance in UE4? I’m thinking about buying eGPU with Radeon card

Hi all I am also looking into this I my macbook i7 keeps crashing

Thanks So much for this!

Able to run digital humanscene 2.26 @ 50fps

2013 MacBook Pro 15” 16gb
razor core x v2
AMD VII 16gb

before mega laggy.
20 FPS!

thank U

Bumping this thread. I’ve enabled the “Show Editor GPU Selector” and restarted, but the GPU selector is not visible anywhere—even where you have suggested with your screenshots. This is the case for UE4 and UE5(Preview). Any ideas where else I should look?

I figured out how to select a specific gpu in UE5!!
CleanShot 2022-04-26 at 00.31.15

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amazing. ty!