How to enable dual quat skinning 4.27

I know ue4 dont support dual quaterion skinning like other software, and i suffer from it.
My character body and twist look very weird. I use another solution like add twist bone, use fabric to cover it. But it doesnt look good. Does anybody know how to build dual quaterion skinning in ue4. I dont have any knowlegde about this. Hope somebody can help me out

Dual quat doesnt really fix candy wrapper.

Not rotating a joint that is Anatomically not supposed to rotate will fix the candy wrapper.

Hold your wrist, then try to twisr your had.

That said, unless you can code c++ you would probably have to buy a plugin.
The skeletal mesh components arent that hard to edit if you build from source, but you need to know what you are doing to get it to work right.

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Do you have any ideal to fix it. If i dont twist hand but only twist forearm. Then my forearm was candy warp at elbow. The problem was still there.

You have to either use mottion capture, so the rotations are already correct, or you have to twist both bones within the limits that do not cause candy wrapping.

For the elbow, you may also consider adding a corrective morph that is activated based on the rotation.
Normally, this is used to shape the brachioradialis muslce, as it pops during supination.

And yes, to manually do animations right you should study a bit of anatomy / and or just try to do the move and try to analyze and copy what changes.

Its a process. And if you start adding morphs yourself you will learn a lot.
However the shortcut to that is something like Genesis8ā€¦

I already add target morph for forearm when twist. And it doesnt look good either. Target morph doesnt work very well with twist motion.

You need to set a JCM style system up so that it shifts the vertex where they are supposed to be more aggressively based on the amount of rotation.
Or you can try something like DazStudio 3d - or at least watch the genesis8 videos to understand how it works.

What is jcm style system. I have no ideal. And who is genesis 8šŸ˜…

Probably not as useful as you searching with a search engine for actual video examples / explanations, but this:

Hate to say this but youā€™re kinda stuck. You can skin your arm the best way ever and add in as much bones as you like, but in the end youā€™re still going to get that candy wrapper effect. Take it from me. I added in a sophisticated wrist and arm twist rig and skinned it to perfection and I still get that unwanted wrapper.

Thatā€™s because Unreal is the only software on the market that has no Dual Quaternion support. I donā€™t know why they decided that was a good decision, but they got rid of it. There is a mod on GitHub made to add in DQ made by AlienRenders, but itā€™s been abandoned since 4.26. Sorry, but thereā€™s NOTHING you can do. :frowning_face:

Iā€™m stuck with UE 4.26 and 5 Early Access too because of this.
My whole character framework depends on Dual Quaternion Skinning Method.

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  1. download AlienRendersā€™ Github source.
  2. run GenerateProjectFiles
  3. run setup.bat
  4. you will get ue4.sln open it
  5. right click UE4 inside of ā€œEngineā€ folder
    you will see debug-> hover over your mouse on ā€œDebugā€ then go to the option start new instance. for the first time doing this it will build the project which is 100gb large

Unfortunately, the AlienRenders github page with the Dual Quaternion support build has been removed, as has seemingly every project previously related to DQ support in UE. I guess Daz users will have to make do with JCMs- even though JCMs are designed for DQ skinning, they seem to offer a small improvement.

It is disappointing that there is seemingly no solution for this, as Unity offers support for both DQ skinning as well as Optimized Centers of Rotation skinning. That is 3 skinning methods, while UE offers only Linear blend skinning.

Where did you find the info that Unity officially supports DQ skinning and Optimized Centers of Rotation skinning? if you give me info i will uninstall unreal and install Unity again.

I havent used unity for 3 years so i want to know if Unity3d has DQ with daz characters support to install it again

i think there is a lot of misinformation here.

Dual quaternion skinning isnā€™t going to solve the problem in the OP. So focusing on that is setting sights on the wrong target.

Itā€™s a beginner animation issue. Not knowing basic anatomy to make an anatomically possible movement.

It really has nothing to do with unreal or any software limitations at all. There is no need for anything complicated here, just a matter of rotating one part of the control rig instead of another.

I realize this is a little old, but anybody having same problem as the OP should seek help from a professional animator, or take a few hours to go through some beginner humanoid animation tutorials on youtube. See how proā€™s are animating actions like throw a ball, swing a sword, climb/mantle, etc.

In general, if you are a beginner and you are trying to do something that many other people must have done before, and you are having a problem, safe bet that you just lack some information and are doing something wrong. If your first guess is that the billion dollar software sucks, you are setting yourself up to go down some rabbit holes and when you come out youā€™ll be more confused than ever and wonā€™t have solved your problem.

you are wrong! Dual quaternion skinning helps keeping geometry sane and it improves the quality of the animation. I think its something above your level of understanding eitherway

well if you can demonstrate how dual quaternion skinning makes it possible to rotate a wrist joint 360 degrees and still look like a human wrist Iā€™d believe you.

but kind of a waste of time since no game engines natively support the feature, so an animator has to work within the feature set that actually exist.

Not official support, but there are DQ solutions and Optimized Centers of Rotation solutions and tutorials available in the brief searching that I did. The previous DQ support projects for UE that were available on Github have been removed.

I recognize DQ skinning will not solve every issue that simply rotating wrist bones or other bones could fix. My comment was more geared toward Daz users who stumble across this thread, since Daz characters use DQ skinning.

do these work with daz3d multiple skin meshes in unity? since a cloth is also a skin mesh
also the DQ has NOT been removed and its still there

Could you provide a link to that? AlienRenders main github page has nothing there:

Iā€™m afraid I donā€™t know the answer to your question, since I am using UE5 now and never experimented with DQ support in Unity. is the link and
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