I’m making a game where when you die you will be respawned into spawn area. Timer starts ticking and counts down to 0 and then forcefield gate opens and collision is removed from invisible area.
Multiple players might be on one team and, when one dies, gate’s collision should be enabled only for respawned client. When i enable collision only on specific client and that client’s pawn tries to move against gate, he will get stuck for a splitsecond and then pawn clips through it. I think it is because there is no collision on server side and pawn can move freely on server side, once passed the gate client’s location will be synced with server data. Btw i’m using character movement component on my character.
My question is: how to fully enable collision for one specific client?
Ended up making new collision channel “SpawnZoneWall” and enabling/disabling collision on pawn, when necessary.
Node i used was “Set Collision Response to Channel”