How to enable collision between two Skeletal mesh?

Hi I am currently trying to make my character ride a horse, but right now I am at the stage where the general animation works fine but for some reason my character’s cape clips through the horse instead of colliding with the horse. Both the cape and the horse are skeletal meshes. Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

Greetings @User-a6129d7b43

This thread has some great information on setting the collision for Skeletal Meshes(Including a video from the Unreal Engine YouTube page). Hopefully this will help with your issue. Respond back if you have further questions. Thanks!

Hi there. Thanks for the information! Will come back if I have more questions!

Hi I watched the videos. I think all the physic assets of my two meshes (the horse and the cape) are set, but for some reason they are just not colliding with each other. The cape does have cloth simulation, do you think it could be the reason the cape is not colliding>

Chaos offers world collision on cloth.

Apex/physx does not.

Know what you are using.

A cape should likely not be fully simulated anyway.
You can set where it should be by giving it a properly weight painted and styled animation. With that, you can apply a light distance value to the cape to get the cloth effect going.

Normally, nothing on the character interacts with anything else.

To get things working with the horse, you would have to join up the clothed character to the horse in a single asset - then you can get the self collision to work on a fully simulated cloth even in PhysX.

Runtime character merge (used for modular characters) could be a good way to achieve this…