How to enable character movement in Widget Blueprint by using the “Set View Target with Blend” node?
I have created the blueprint for camera swap in the main blueprint by using “Set View Target with Blend” but when the camera is transforming from point A to Point B, the player controller is freezed and I supposed to set a click button in a widget blueprint to enable the character movement from the current camera but it does not working as I could not find a way to get character from main level to widget even with “Cast to First Person Character” which is not working as well. Anyone can help please? Thanks!
If I understand correctly you’re having trouble getting reference to your character from the widget blueprint?
If this is the case what you can do in the Widget Blueprint is use the node “Get Owning Player” and use that to connect to the object input for a cast to your PlayerController class (make sure it’s the same PlayerController class you have set as your default PlayerController in your GameMode), you can the pull off “As PlayerController” and get the node called “Get Controlled Pawn”.
Pull off the Get Controlled Pawn output and plug it in to the object input of your “Cast to FirstPersonCharacter” node, and you should now be able to successully access your class using “As FirstPersonCharacter” output off your cast.
Good practice however is to set your references up as a variables on construct within your widget blueprint, this enables you to get reference to your controller and character classes quickly and also helps with a cleaner blueprint. (let me know if you need further explanation on how to do this).
Please do let me know if I misunderstood your question/needs here.
Sorry I just saw your reply today and thank you so much for that.
While I think the problem is in my FPS widget as I just used “Get Player Character” to connect “SpawnActor My Character” for the current location. So each time no matter which camera I switched, when I would like to get back to “Walk Mode”, the camera will be immediately back to the location of my character but not cine camera.
While as I have more than 10 cameras in my scene and I am looking for a way to bind my character to each of Cine Camera as I can transfor from any one of the current freezed camera view to character “Walk Mode” at the current location but not the position of player character.
For camera tranform blueprint, I just connect each Cine Camera to “Set View Target with Blend”.
Regarding your description, I tested “Get Owning Player” and “Get Controlled Pawn” but I am not sure how should i plug them in my current blueprint.
Attached are some of further screenshots.
It would be appriciate if you could explain it more. !