I have a project that is stable and has ongoing development work from the team. I want to experiment side by side with that project via a project plugin that is not enabled by default “EnabledByDefault”: false,
The trouble I am having is that the Plugin will only package properly if it is enabled in the uproject file, even though I have added entries in the target file to enable the plugin.
I figured the EnablePlugins.Add(“PluginToTurnOn”); would work, but it doesn’t. After Packaging (no Pak files) I can see that it includes the root folder for the plugin and the uplugin file but no content folders. If I enable the plugin in the project file it ships the plugin just fine.
I have also tried to use FilterPlugin.ini to force it to include the content but no success.
Example from the documentation that I have tried.
AdditionalPlugins (List)
EnablePlugins (List)
bBuildAllPlugins (Boolean)
bBuildAllModules (Boolean)
BuildPlugins (List)
Is there something missing to enable a plugin in a build target?
Thank you!