how to edit skeletal mesh component in Blueprint via python?

Hi guys I 've created blueprint in the content and try to edit the skeletal mesh , I tried get_component_by_class but it gives me empty array, here is my code:

bp_gc= ue.EditorAssetLibrary.load_blueprint_class("/Game/DemoMap/DemoActor.DemoActor_C")
bp_cdo = ue.get_default_object(bp_gc)
comp = bp_cdo.get_component_by_class(ue.SkeletalMeshActor)
print comp

and my blurprint looks like:

is there a way to change the skeletal mesh component 's mesh using python?

btw I did find the component class in python but is there a way to add them in the blueprint asset?

Did you figure this out? I’m also interested in the solution.

I tried something but I didnt find anything about component edit, what I can find is component in level not edit blueprint

Any success ?
Trying to do the same here, but with static mesh.
I came up with that code:

SMSource = ue.load_asset(“/Game/Yag/test/Cube.Cube_C”)
SMTarget = BP_CDO.get_editor_property(“StaticMC_00”)
SMTarget.set_editor_property(“StaticMesh”, SMSource)

Basically, my “StaticMC_00” is your “Sk_mesh” and you can replace “StaticMesh” by “SkeletalMesh”

It gives no error but unfortunately seems to be doing nothing.
I’m stuck here atm but it might give you a direction.


Got it working, it was the source loading that was wrong.
It’s ok with this:

SMSource = ue.load_asset(“/Game/Yag/test/Cube”)

Hope this helps

I probably not possible to do that with pure python, I worte a C++ plugin and wrap some cpp API into Blueprint API then I can modify the blueprint component.

Here is my blog post, sorry but in Chinese.