How to edit a blocking volume in blueprint?

Hey all I have levels that are randomly generated, I don’t know what size they will be before they generate, I need a blocking volume so the player can only leave at the designated exits, it’s all setup good and well.

Except, I can’t get a reference to the blocking volume within a blueprint. I can get a variable that is a blocking volume but I can’t seem to edit it’s collisions when I spawn one in?

I need to edit the one I created’s bounds and location on level creation but If I can’t get a reference I can’t. Basically just scaling it up by the levels size and setting it’s location to the levels origin.

I can create a new one by spawning it in when needed but I can’t make it hollow or set it’s collision responses.

So, how do I reference a blocking volume that is already created and in level through a blueprint? or How do I edit a new blocking volume’s collision responses and make it hollow?

Edit: I realize you can’t even edit any settings of a blocking volume in bp, what the hell? Are dynamic blocking volumes just not possible? My game is completely random gen so it’s literally impossible for me to set this up before play.


It doesn’t exist? Pulling off a blocking volume variable and there are no settings I can edit in the bp.

okay is there a way to make the box hollow though? Or would I have to do one for every level edge cause that makes this massively more difficult.

No blocking volumes have the option of being hollow cubes and you can directly control it’s extent. That way you can just encase your level within a hollow cube you can’t leave instead of potentially needing 6 cubes.

Alright, I know the rough size of the levels before gen so I could just do a hollow cube I guess, thanks.