How to dynamically create a text label positioned in 3d space using C++ ?


I’m trying to dynamically create a text-labels with an individual text and position them in 3d-space from a custom C++ Actor-class. Unfortunately every single way I tried either crashes or won’t compile.
Can anyone give me a hint on how that is supposed to work ?

Thanks in advance.

You can use a WidgetComponent to place UMG widgets in world space.

yes, but every attempt i’ve tried with this crashed and didn’t work. (because of nullptr in WidgetTree members)
does anyone have some actually working sample code for this ?

Is it for debug?
Have you tried DrawDebugString?

If this is supposed to be like a character name over the head of an actor in 3D space maybe try to use a TextRendererComponent. If you want it to always look at the camera you should use billboards. If it is just a 2D HUD text that should appear on the player screen then try using the widgets.

Ah thank you. TextRendererComponent was new to me and at least with that i get some text to render.
What class are you talking about exactly when you say “use billboards” ? Currently I rotate them manually to the camera each frame…