I am trying to make a Combo Box widget, that when loaded(opened), gets items from a custom data asset’s texture2d array, and adds the file names of the textures as strings to the combo box options list. Unfortunately I seem to be stuck on how to actually make the options show up in the list, as I am still only getting my default test values.
Additionally I would like this to be extremely modular. I want the combo box to be able to check and see which character is loaded, and get the assigned data asset from that specific character’s blueprint.
The reason I go about it this way is because I am making a “multi-class” character customization system. I am using the data assets to differentiate between the character types and their available texture options, as they all use different UV maps and Skeletal meshes.
I have gotten as far as getting the Combo Box widget to be clickable, but I want to get it to a point where I can see a list of texture options on the Combo box, and be able to select the texture’s name to apply the associated Texture2D asset onto my character, regardless of what character type it is.
It is a lot harder for me than it should be, as right now I am getting a lot of “accessed none” blueprint errors when I test play my game so far.
I can provide my very messy current blueprint code. Hopefully the flaws are apparent!