What would be the best way to draw a big message in the center of the screen at the beginning of the game that would dissapear after X amount of time? Sort of like a welcome message.
I figured I would have to use DrawText from a DrawHud event, but the text will stay there forever if I do that.
If for debugging purposes, you can use DrawDebugText. But I am pretty sure this is not what you want.
You can always implement this yourselves using a timeline (to set the opacity) or by using a counter variable in your HUD blueprint. Before drawing this message onto the screen, simply check the counter and if it has exceeded the given time, you will not draw the message. But you will need to update the value of the counter in each tick by adding delta seconds.
In any case a better solution would be to create a new UMG widget with this timer logic inside it. So you can re-use ti whenever you want.