Hello everyone,
The question above is making me crazy already for a long time.
I need to draw a graph by X and Y which are dymanic floats. So I have 2 arrays with X and Y and it works fine.
Are there ways to draw Curve to widget or to use Debug tools or something else to resolve this question?
For example it should be something like this:
I made a quick example for you using UMG :). In this example, points are pre-defined in the HUD and it draws like this. If this is what you are looking for please let me know. I’d be happy to share this project (4.12)
Yes I did.
The problem is in the references. When I use variables of another widget via reference - it does not receive any values. The same with position for Draw Box. I tried to take position and size of Canvas Panel and set them to position and size of DrawBox node. But when I set it manually, it works for both (Box and Lines).
Looks like I’ve got problems with references and I still dont know how to resolve it.
Hey Ryan,
I am really interested to see your work, unfortunately the link you put doesn’t work anymore.
Could you please show me your source files with another way?