Hi, is there a way to draw an animated line between 2 widgets, edge to edge, when one of them is hovered?
By animated line, I mean, maybe changing its transparency in a loop, or “growing” the line from one widget to another.
Hi, is there a way to draw an animated line between 2 widgets, edge to edge, when one of them is hovered?
By animated line, I mean, maybe changing its transparency in a loop, or “growing” the line from one widget to another.
I’m not sure I’m super clear on what you are trying to do, is there an example from a game that you’d be able to show?
Changing the transparency in a loop should be fairly easy using the widget animation and adding the line’s color’s alpha as a track. The animation can be set to loop and you can use keyframes to make the value go from 1 to 0 then back to one and that’s the entire animation.
I’m not sure about growing the line (though I’m also not sure what you mean).
Animating is a matter of providing appropriate coords. You know the direction, increase a scalar and you’re good. Opacity can be animated as well.
Widgets can use splines these days, too - considering how the entire visual scripting is a bunch of animated wires… it’s high time they did, right?
Is there any documentation on that, or do you refer to the UMG splines plugin?
Also, that post you linked uses onPaint. I was wondering if there’s a way to use “Draw Line” with onHovered, which I need.
I also thought there is no way to perform any operation on the line drawn by the “Draw Line” node. Can it really be animated?
Yes, onPaint fires every frame. OnHovered just needs to supply data. Drawing lines requires context which is not available outside of onPaint. That’s the whole point of its existence, tbh.