How to draw a circle around an actor?

a simple decal down scaled to fit
that. But I’m wondering if there’s a
better way to do it?

That would work well, even if the underlying surface is uneven.

I though about a spline mesh that’s
just a line with a simple material
[…] and make it grow in a circleish

Have a look here:

I know it’s 3.5 year old but I still use it these days, a slightly modified version.

edit: also, I think Rama’s Victory plugin has drawing functions exposed - they’re based on the debug draw shapes that are already in the engine. Unlike the engine’s debug, the plugin’s nodes do work in the packaged.

You could also use a widget component aligned with the ground - this would give you a lot of flexibility since now you’d have access to both the material (optionally) and the widget animations. The downside - not everyone likes working with widgets ;p

Pretty sure you could do it with particles, maybe with ribbons but I’m not good with particles so can’t really suggest anything tangible here.

For something really fancy looking, you could combine one of the above methods with particles. I think decal is the most natural option here.

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