How to download previous version of Reality Capture?

We have a client project file that was made with  RealityCapture version=“”.

We haven’t been able to open it with  I think it might be a version issue?  We are using PGM license.


Do you guys have a repository of old versions we can download?

Thank you

Dear user, it is not possible to download former versions of RC.and yes it may be possible due to the changes between the versions.

i am running the current version version that was just released and its very buggy - compared to the previous release it crashes regularly - 3 to 4 times a day, corrupts my projects, looses data - the previous versions worked perfectly i n ever had any issues. 

i would love to be able to roll back to the previous release so i can complete my projects currently i cant manage to complete processing my large jobs and its affecting my business 

That unfortunately dear user is not possible, We are very sorry for you experiencing issues and are working on getting RC as stable as possible. Please be patient and if you experience any issues you can’t solve contact us via email: and we will try to help you.

I’m experiencing the same thing - just updated Reality Capture and the software can’t render for more than two minutes without crashing. How do I roll back to the previous version until this is stable?