How to do one-way physics interactions?

I have a physics-based game, and I would like to have particle-like actors that would collide with physics-based actors without affecting them. If I make the physics-actors block particle-actors (or the other way around), nothing happens, and if I set both to block each other, the particle-actors affect the outcome of physics-actors which affects gameplay negatively. Is there a way to make this work?

Apologies if this is the wrong section.

Are you trying to make the particle actors bounce off the physics actors and remain in the game? Or are you trying to make explosions? Or something else?

Maybe you could set them to overlap and then either have the overlap trigger an explosion or have it trigger one of the apply force/impulse type nodes?

For the sake of an example, I would want to roll a bowling ball across a track full of junk, the bowling ball being a gameplay related physics-actor, and the pieces of junk being physics particle actors. The goal would be for the bowling ball to not being affected by the junk, but have the junk react to the bowling ball and to each other in a plausible manner.

I don’t know anything about physics particle actors, but if they can overlap like any other actor, overlap would probably work.

Set the physics actor and the junk to overlap on each other. Upon overlap, have the junk make noise or move around a bit. That part wouldn’t be actual physics, but you could probably code something that looked like it was.

Also, all the junk can be set to block each other so the physics part there should work.

This is what I have currently, however in the bowling ball example trying to smash two balls together can be impossible if junk gets between them, affecting gameplay. I know it’s possible since I’ve seen plenty of one-way interactions in games, but I’m not sure what terms to use when searching online or documentation.

Another option:

Maybe you could set them both to block and have them both interact, except set the mass/force/etc. for the junk to really really low so the bowling ball would think it is running into tissue paper?

You may have already tried that though.

I found somebody with the same problem from a few years back, no answers. I tried faking collision using overlap, but having both a realistic physics-object with real collisions and fake pseudocollisions looks / feels really unnatural and throws you off in an odd way.

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surprised no one mentioned this, but if youre using a sphere or some kinda object with equal dimensions, I would think radial force would work, disable collisions between the two objects, but the radial force can push them around, probably wouldnt look like normal physics but Id imagine itd be good enough