i have a small car where i want to change the pitch based on the ground angle.
I shoot a raycast downwards and get the ground normal and then do a lerp between my cars normal and the ground normal to get a smooth transition when going uphill/downhill. I don’t quite understand wich Alpha i should use here so i just use the seconds.
Atleast thats the idea, i couldn’t get it to work properly so here is the BP:
Thx yeah that seems like what i need. I am doing the raycast on tick, but if i plug the cars normal into the “Current” and the ground normal into the “Target”, shouldn’t i get a smooth transition in yaw? It doesn’t seen to work that way when i try it. I would have to translate the normal value to a pitch value, no?
I am currently recreating this for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ki-tWT50cEQ&ab_channel=MixandJam (1:25 to 1:35)