How to do I enable the "Trigger" collision of a trigger volume through blueprint?

So i have this trigger volume that teleports me when I step through it.
However, I only want its trigger functionality to be enabled when I activate a switch. I can activate the switch fine but there is no option to enable the trigger after initially setting it to “no collision”.

I tried searching in the “Set Collision Object Type” channel drop down list but there is no trigger option.


One way to do it is like this:

Turn it off, and enable when your criteria is met.

In the world they should be set to the collision presets you want and this determines trigger no trigger.

Also I found no boolean in editor that matches this on / off for presetting it to off when I was messing around it may exists but I had no luck.

Hey thanks for responding. I’ll try this and get back to you, appreciate it!