How to do an Points System in FPS

I’m creating FPS project. In this project I want to do football gamemode.
I already have an map for this. But i don’t know how to do points system for it. And how this system know that goal is scored.

Without knowing what a football game mode in a FPS is, I can maybe help you sort out the beginnings of your system if you can give some info.

How is a goal scored?

What is the win condition? Best score at end of time? First to a certain score?

Team vs team? PvP or PvE?

When a goal is scored, is that one point?

Well one easy way you could do this is have a trigger volume over the entire endzone and when the player with the ball overlaps with it you can add the desired amount of points (so 6 for a touchdown). So you’d probably use the level blueprint to handle the overlap and then you could cast to your gamemode and in the gamemode add to and set the score. You could then create a binding in a widget for the score value and that would show your score. I can maybe show you an example if you’d like.

And yes, please show me example if you can.

PvP, without time. Endless game.

Well here are some instructions. Sorry it’s so much
First go to your end zone area of your map and place a trigger volume. This can be found in the Modes panel on the left side of the editor screen. Size it to fill your end zone. Now with it selected go into your Level blueprint. Then right click and search for EventOnComponetBeginOverlap and add that.
Now leave that for a second.

Go into your character blueprint and add a variable of type integer and call it score.

Next, Create a widget blueprint by right clicking in the content browser, scrolling to the User Interface section, and choosing Widget. In the widget simply add a Text to the Canvas Panel. Position it wherever you’d like. Now in the panel on the right, look for where you actually change the text (It should say something like “Text Block”, and has the word “Bind” next to it). Click on the bind button next to it and create new binding. In the New binding, Cast to (Your Character Blueprint). Connect either Get player controller or Get player character to it. Then drag off of As (Your Character Blueprint) and Get Score and plug it into the Text value of the Return Node. It will convert from integer to text for you.

Now back in the Level Blueprint cast to your character just like in the Widget blueprint, and get score again. Then add Integer + Integer to the score. From the result, Set the score. For adding score you can add whatever value you’d like (so 6 for a touchdown).

Now back in your character blueprint, add Event Begin Play. Connect it to Create Widget which you should connect to Add to Viewport. For the Create Widget node, select the Widget blueprint you made from before in the drop down box.

Now press play and walk into the end zone (so the trigger volume basically) and see if the value changes.

You helped me much.

But i can’t find EventOnComponentBeginOverlap
You mean OnActorBeginOverlap?