How to disable X and A button for teleport for oculus touch?

I would like to use X and A button for Oculus Touch for different purposes. The thing is those buttons are attached to built-in teleport - those buttons works like pressing and releasing tumbstick. How to solve this?

To rebind them you have to find where they are being used, unconnect the code from those nodes and use them where you want.


Thank you for the reply!

However - I am totally new to Unreal Engine and I can’t find where they are being used.

This is how I do:

at the “world outliner” tab:
VRPawn > Edit MotionControllerPawn
It opens blueprint menu. Then i found “InputAction TeleportLeft” as I guess it’s the right node.

And this is where i stopped. I have no clue how to disable those buttons, because i can’t see any. Every other node I checked has nothing to do with those buttons.

Thank you for any help!

Just ALT click on the white triangle coming out of the nodes.

Alt click only disconects the link. However it makes script not working. Teleport works with sticks and buttons - and I want to make it work only with sticks.

- YouTube Here you go.

I’ve watched video twice and still have no clue about making it work that way. I guess I will find it somehow and watch whole series.

Thanks you for the link! And for the answer!

You need to go into the Project Settings > Engine > Input > Bindings > Action Mappings.
There you can set what buttons on the controller link to what.