Hi. Long time lurker here.
The sequencer timeline panel focus shifts randomly, whenever I add, delete or move around animation sequence.
This issue is annoying to the point that it makes me think of just giving up on the sequencer altogether.
It’s insanely frustrating, when something as crucial as the focus on the point of interest shifts randomly and irrespective of my input, it makes any edits to the sequences frustrating and wasteful in terms of the amount of time it takes.
Can’t upload attachment due to a fresh account, so here’s the YT link: ue sequencer issue - YouTube
It’s even worse, when I delete an animation sequence, then it jumps to some RANDOM location, and I have to fiddle with the timeline panel to get back to where I was.
this is the most infuriating thing I think I ever encountered. Even the old Matinee wasn’t this rage inducing. Please someone help saving my sanity.