For the love of god I can’t figure this out.
Still kind of new to Unreal Scene.
I am using Unreal Engine 5, but I don’t think that’s relevant to the problem because I believe I have this issue on UE 4 as well.
I’ve done the following:
-Created my own Game Mode and set it as default.
-Created my own Player Controller and set it as default in the Game Mode.
-Create my own Camera Manager and set it as default in my Player Controller.
-I am spawning my own camera class in blueprint inside of the Camera Manager and setting it as blend target.
After all of this, my game is still spawning a CameraActor by default that is owned by my Custom CameraManager.
I can’t find a setting to disable this or a function to override this.
How do I get rid of this useless default camera that I don’t want because it’s out of my control?
The OCD person in me wants me to remove it. It’s like a got a clean work table and there’s a piece of gum stuck to it that I can’t get rid of. The unknown of why it’s there also slightly annoys me.
I also figured optimal-wise (though I guess it’s probably very minimal). There would be a way to remove unnecessary actors like this camera.
On my case I have already a camera that I am setting as main view target on the level blueprint. I have to pass this project to the client and I don’t want him to be asking me why there are 2 cameras when he press play so I need to prevent this camera from spawnning
This does not work for me.
I made new empty Gamestate, PlayerState, Spectator, Playerctonroller, GameInstance, and set my HUD and PlayerPawn to None. And I still get that strange CameraActor spawned in that is not the main camera.
Nor me, and unlike the other posters stated, I have a valid reason for not wanting this, I am using my own Camera Actor blueprint dragged into the level, every time Player 0 respawns it takes away control of that main game camera to show me the ole through the mesh look.
The view port requires a camera in order to render anything to screen. Hence why the “engine” will always spawn one if the pawn or controller doesn’t have one.