Hi, the default scene of Unreal has annoying pre-defined shortcuts.
Pressing E or Space makes camera go up.
Pressing Q or C makes camera go down.
How to detach these shortcuts? What system drives this?
Thank you.
Hi, the default scene of Unreal has annoying pre-defined shortcuts.
Pressing E or Space makes camera go up.
Pressing Q or C makes camera go down.
How to detach these shortcuts? What system drives this?
Thank you.
If I am not mistaken the bindings are defined in the default pawn:
\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\DefaultPawn.cpp check function InitializeDefaultPawnInputBindings
You can disable inputs all together, make your custom pawn with your custom binding and use your custom pawn as default pawn class, you might also be able to unbind/rebind some inputs too.
I would look in those directions.
Thank you. If I change code in defaultpawn.cpp, it means I need to re-build the whole engine?
Just disabling the code there does nothing.
I think I will look into creating new custom pawn for movment.
Hey @Roadified! You can find your key mappings if you open up your project settings and navigate to Engine → Input. From here you can edit your settings on what key is attached to each movement/function. From there you can create a custom pawn or edit your current pawn to act however you like with your defined controls!